Thursday 1 April 2010

Using new technology is necessary

Spring 2007
"Using new technology is necessary"

"Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes. " by Andrew Heller. If we compare our life before and after the technology enters our life, we will find a big difference and it is like a revolution. Nowadays the majority of people in the world would like to replace and change their devices for many reasons. Because we are living in a developing world, we need to catch up with what is going on in the world technologically to cope with the developed countries. These days, discarding technological devices once newer models with different features is necessary as today's society is evolving technologically at an ever increasing pace and it also facilitates our personal and professional life.

The first cause why we should replace our old devices with new ones is because our society is developing technologically. Nowadays we are living in a technological community that almost everyone has the latest devices. In order not to feel incompatible with others, we should catch up with the latest devices in the market. For example, if you have a friend that has the newest cell phone that has Bluetooth, the ability to send pictures or files to other cell phone immediately, while you have not this ability, Bluetooth, in your mobile, you will feel different and will face difficulty to communicate with others. A wise man once said "once new technology rolls over you, if you are not part of the steamroller, you are part of the road". Stewart Brand. This quote shows that you need to be up to date to what is new in the world so as not to be isolated from the society. Another point that can make us discard our old devices with the new ones is our technological environment. Companies that produce the new devices have their attractive offers that encourage people to buy. Sometimes such companies offer for their customers the lowest offers with higher qualities in order to attract more consumers, especially in feast and Christmas, so people who would like to buy gifts in feast days will benefit from these useful offers and companies as well. These offers help people buying because they will have the latest devices with lower prices, so it is beneficial for both companies and customers. Another factor that can have a role in making people buy is advertising. Advertising for the newest product is useful because it motives people to buy more. Advertising is important because it is everywhere, television, magazines, radio and even in underground station. This Availability of advertising can encourage even people who are not interested to buy and discover the new device that has all the advertising.

Because our personal life depends on technology in many situations, we discard our old devices with the new ones. In our personal life we use the latest devices because these new devices make our life easier. One of the advantages of the new devices is to reduce time. In the past, we had the traditional cameras with a film that we had to give it to the photographer and spend a week to have our pictures. This was a waste of time and efforts. Nowadays, we have the digital cameras which you can check your photos right away after you capture and delete the bad ones or even recapture the picture. Also, with digital cameras, we can immediately watch the pictures in the computer and save them in. You also can with digital cameras send your pictures to your friends by using the computer while the old ones don’t have this characteristic. Another advantage of new devices, digital cameras, is to save money and then you will balance your income. Another advantage of the new devices that make our life easier is the improvement of our communication with people. The latest computers nowadays have the ability to see people by the webcam and talk to them as you call them by telephone but in a low price. This ability makes our life easier because we can interact anytime with each other, especially with people who are away from us. According to a lady who has her daughter and son away from her, she bought the advanced so as to communicate and see her children easily as she see them face to face. New devices with its developed features, webcam, can strength the relationship between people and each other.

Discarding our old devices with the new ones is also important in our professional life. In many business, you have to use the newest devices, if not you will lose your customers. Because there is competition between companies, every company needs to produce and have the latest devices with the newest features to attract more customers. For example, once new company has the new features that can benefit the customers, other companies replace their old devices and produce the new ones to have more customers. Moreover, New technological devices are necessary in educational professional field According to the 1982 Wingspread Conference that discuss ,many educational issues and one of the issues that was discussed is the importance of technology in education. This conference recommended to improve the technology and computer courses. This shows that it encourages professors in the university to buy the newest devices to help students like their subject. It also show that even before many years many people asked to change and replace their old devices with the new ones. Another point of why we discard our old devices with the new ones is to make our work easier. Any workers want to finish their work quickly; this can be possible by replacing the old devices, with old features, with the new technological devices that can make our work easier. For example, in the past most of the workers had to hold all their documents in CD or in a personal computer while nowadays workers can hold their all documents and computer files in the USB, flash memory, that you can hold everywhere. This shows that we can do our work easily and quickly.
Although discarding the old devices with the new ones is important, we should replace them with a reason. There is a question that always comes to the mind of many people. The question is why we should replace our old devices with the new ones. Some people believe that it is necessary for the developing of the county while others think that it is essential for our personal and the others think it helps them in their work. Technology is necessary but for a purpose.

Works cited
“The Sun Sets on the VCR.” Guardian 23 Nov. 2004:17.1.,,1370052,00.html

Media coverage of the Lebanese crisis.

Spring 2008

Media coverage of the Lebanese crisis in 2008

Since the Lebanese war was over in 1990, Lebanon has been in a continuing conflict. After the year 1990, the country had witnessed variable development in many fields like tourism, agriculture, arts, literature and alike. The conflict has started again in 2005 when Mr Rafeek Al Hareery, the Lebanese ex prime minister, was assassinated by a massive car bomb explosion. Following that, Lebanon entered a big conflict, especially with Israel and Syria. Consequently, a war erupted, in 2006 between Hezbollah, the Lebanese Islamist party and Israel. Then, this was followed by a series of assassinations of Lebanese political figures during the last three years. The several investigations in these assassinations failed to generate any clues or clear results.

The Lebanese Constitution, agreed on and endorsed in May 23 1926, states that the elected Lebanese president should be a Christian Maronite, the prime minister a Muslim Sunni and the Parliament Speaker a Muslim Shiite. Also in the Lebanese Constitution, the period of the presidency is limited to 6 years without re-election for another term. In 2004, there was a change in the constitution to allow extending the period of the President, Emel Lahoud, for extra 3 years. It was widely claimed that this decision was taken as a result of Syrian pressure. This decision has lead opposition parties to stand against the appointed Lebanese government and the whole political system. Accordingly, General Emel Lahoud’s period was due in November 2007. Since then, Lebanon has failed to elect the next president leaving the country without a president until now. The Army Chief, General Michel Soliman has been nominated as the accepted candidate for the Lebanese presidency election by almost all parties. However, a big argument does exist about him and not everyone agrees on that before fulfilling certain political demands and conditions. Some parties stand against him and others advocate for his candidature. There have been intensive efforts from some countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France and United States to solve this problem. The presidency election in the Parliament was postponed for 17 times. The Lebanese parliamentarians tried to choose the president for the 18th time on 22 April 2008 and again failed to accomplish their task.
The media coverage for this complicated crisis was extended to include Major Arab and international media. This article will scan the coverage by Saudi, Egyptian and of course Syrian and Lebanese Newspapers. Each of these countries expressed different opinions and stands in this issue.

First, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has covered this important issue because this country is considered as an active player in helping Lebanon solves the presidency crisis. Saudi Arabia always calls Lebanon and Syria to meet to discuss and improve their bilateral relations in all aspects with a focus on the political ones. Also, Saudi Arabia always asks Syria to stop interfering in Lebanese internal affairs. Many other Arab countries believe that Syria is interfering in Lebanese internal affairs and claiming that Syria represents the main cause of the Lebanese current crisis. AlHayat newspaper, the Saudi newspaper issued in London, mentioned that Syria claims that the current Lebanese government is illegitimate. However, Lebanon declined that notion by the evidence made by the Syria invitation to Lebanon to participate in the Arab summit that was held recently in Damascus. This shows that the Saudi Arabian media position is against Syria and stresses on issues opposing Syrian politics. In 29 of March 2008, the Arab summit was held in Damascus to discuss the Arab issues; the Lebanese issue was included in the agenda so Syria sent an invitation to Lebanon to participate. However, Lebanon refused to participate. I think that Lebanon should have participated so the Arab countries may have heard the Lebanese position and could have found solutions to Lebanon’s problems. Such position clearly indicates that Lebanon doesn’t have the will to cooperate with Syria. This clearly uncovers Saudis and other Arab countries claim that the Syria is the side refusing to help solving the Lebanese problem. As a matter of fact, Syria preferred that Lebanon chooses their president before the Arab summit but the Lebanese government failed to choose the president for the 17th time. The Saudi press mentions that the Saudi and Egyptian governments first decided to boycott the Arab summit in Damascus but changed their opinion hoping they may find solutions to the Lebanese crisis. The Saudi press all the time illustrates that Syria doesn’t cooperate to solve the Lebanese problem and just talking without doing any action for that. The Saudi Arabia press also thinks that Syria is cooperating with Iran to keep the Lebanese crisis unsolved

The second coverage of the Lebanese crisis is the Egyptian media coverage. Egypt plays with the Saudi Arabia an important role in trying to solve the Lebanese crisis. According to some Egyptian newspapers such as Al Ahram and Al Masry Al youm, the Egyptian position stands that Lebanon has to choose the president as soon as possible for the good of the Lebanese people. The coverage shows how Lebanon is upset about the way how they got the invitation of Arab summit. Also, the Egyptian media reported that Lebanon wouldn’t be able to choose their president before the Arab summit as the Saudi Arabia coverage mentioned. It was reported that the Syrian minister of foreign affairs said that Lebanon missed a golden chance to discuss their problem and improve the Lebanese-Syrian relations. In my opinion, I agree on that because Lebanon should have participate in the Arab summit to show that they are independent and Syria can not interfere with their internal affairs as they claim. Also, the Egyptian media expressed the Egyptian government stands against the boycott of Lebanon to the Arab summit. On other hand, it was mentioned in Al Ahram newspaper that Lebanon boycotted the Arab summit because they had enough from the Syrian interference in Lebanese business by sending terrorists and weapons to Lebanon. Moreover, the majority of Lebanese politicians think that the decision of the Lebanese government not to participate in the Arab summit was a wise one. The Egyptian press didn’t take a side of any of the two sides of the Lebanese issue. They show the Syrian and Lebanese position and support the right position.
The third coverage of the Lebanese crisis is the Syrian coverage. Syria is considered the main reason for the Lebanese problem as many believe and claim. The Syrian coverage pointed out that what Lebanon claims that Syria is the main reason for the Lebanese problem is not true. The Syrian government said that only the Lebanese people can solve the problems without any help from other countries. When the Lebanese prime minster, Fouad Al Saneyora, claimed in his speech that Syria is the main reason for the Lebanese crisis, Syria wouldn’t care about the Lebanese prime minster’s speech because they believe it’s untrue. Also, the Syrian minster of foreign affairs claims that Lebanese politicians do not want to solve the problem and the majority of the Lebanese government is related to the United States and France. Also, the Syrian media coverage shows how the Syrian government decided that the country that has no representative in the Arab summit would not be able to tell a speech. As s result, this shows that Syria doesn’t care if Lebanon participate or not and the Arab summit would be held with and without the participation of Lebanon. This also indicates that Syria did what should be done and held the Arab summit in Damascus as an attempt to discuss and solve the Lebanese problem but Lebanon just ignored all that.

The most important converge is the Lebanese coverage itself. The various Lebanese newspapers and magazines have covered the situation. The Lebanese position is clear that Syria should stop the interference in Lebanon’s internal affairs. Lebanon decided to boycot the Arab summit because it was held in Damascus, the Syrian capital. It was mentioned that the Lebanese prime minister asked the Arab countries to have the Arab foreign affairs ministers meeting to discuss and solve the Lebanese problem. What I think is that Lebanon can discuss the Lebanese issue in the Arab summit instead of holding another meeting. Fouad Al Sanyoura, the Lebanese prime minister, insists on that Lebanon can not participate in the Arab summit without a president. Also, Lebanon thinks that Syria plays a big role in preventing the Lebanese from choosing the candidate Michel Soliman as a president of Lebanon to keep Lebanon unstable. On the other hand, the Lebanese prime minister still believes on building good relations with Syria because Syria is a neighbored country that Lebanon respects.

In conclusion, the situation in Lebanon is still as it is and until now the Lebanese parliament has failed to choose the new president. The next session for electing the president was postponed for unlimited time until they reach an agreement. The different parties are still arguing whether Michel Soliman is the one or not. Lebanon is insisting on preventing Syria from interfering in their business. Lebanese people should participate and decide who is going to be the president to make Lebanon more stable and solve their problems. At the same time, Syria should cooperate more with Lebanon to solve the problem.